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There are now erotic theatres where sex is spread in the public square, and even if the audience is well selected, there are scenarios that influence us. It's the same on platforms specialized in sexual hardcore.

The couple's act in hard sex looks like this

The acts are varied, from a woman smoking a cigar in her vagina to a dominatrix humiliating a volunteer from the audience. Two actors named Erica and Luc, who for 16 years have had live sex on a rotating stage in front of tourists, couples and men with a coat on their knees.

Luc enters the scene and begins to make oral sex with Erica. Then he gets an erection and from there, they perform a few sexual laps to the rhythm of the music. He penetrates her by squatting, legs open, or she swings on his arms as he turns her in the air. After about eight minutes, the curtains close and the next act begins. About an hour and a half later, Erica and Luc are back on stage. Although it seems that they have nice HD Porn every day, several times a day, it's probably a pretty difficult job.

Hard sex in front of the webcam

A man and a woman gave free rein to passion without realizing that they were registered. It was 10:40 p. m. and it was a man and a woman at the radio station. Taking advantage of the fact that the programming at that time contained only music, they left professionalism aside and indulged in passion. They started by kissing, but within minutes, the lower part of their clothes flew and began to have sex. Two minutes later and in the middle of haste, they got dressed and ran away from the studio.

In fact, it takes guts to say how difficult it is to make love in front of the stage and to be acclaimed by the audience.

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